Arizona Wedding Locations

Gay Wedding Locations In The State Of Arizona

Arizona is a place to watch as it is undecided in the gay marriage debate. Currently Defense of Marriage Act adopted as state law. Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), passed by congress in 1996, bars federal recognition of gay marriages and allows states to ignore gay marriages performed in other states.

State constitutional amendment was introduced but failed. A resolution urging Congress to pass a federal constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage passed the state House but was killed in the Arizona state Senate.

Below are commitment ceremonies and wedding locations with Arizona:

  • Creative Wedding Ceremonies: With over 20 years experience in gay commitment ceremonies, Creative Wedding Ceremonies is one of the top destinations in Arizona for couples seeking a commitment ceremony. Located in Tucson, this location is ideal for those looking for a beautiful location for their ceremony. Phone: 1-888-493-3986.

  • Briar Wreath Inn: This gay owned and operated inn offers everything you're looking for. With a beautiful pond as a back ground, and gazebo this is a top spot for gay couples. Located in Prescott, Arizona. Contact Terry Fowler. Phone: 1-877-778-6048.

  • Bishop Frank Adams: Gay friendly Bishop Adams offers services at your requested location. Having a catholic theme, Bishop Adams offers a memorable ceremony. Located in Apache Junction, Arizona. Contact Frank Adams for pricing and availability. Phone: 1-480-982-4528.