Arkansas Wedding Locations

Gay Wedding Locations In The State Of Arkansas

After the uproar in Massachusetts, Arkansas along with 10 other states wrote The Defense Of Marriage Act into their states constitution and state law. There is currently no civil union laws on the books in Arkansas. But, below is a list of places where you can still have a nice commitment ceremony.

  • Pond Mountain Lodge And Resort: This lesbian owned and operated resort offers everything when having a ceremony. Indoors or outdoors, they offer everything from, minister, photographer and even a reception area. Located in NorthWest Arkansas in the beautiful city of Eureka Springs. Contact Judy Jones for reservations and pricing. Phone: 1-800-583-8043.

  • Crescent Hotel & Spa: Also located in Eureka Springs, this location offers fabulous honeymoon suites and can hold guests from 10 to 200 people. Contact Misty Moyer for pricing and reservations. Phone: 1-800-903-4940.